StatPREP Workshops for 2018

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Schedule for Highline College workshop (Seattle) June 15-16


8:30 am, breakfast

9:00 am, start program

  1. Welcome.

  2. Examples of in-class lessons centered on data
  3. Tidy data
  4. Data and statistical graphics: The graphics behind the Little Apps.

12:30 pm Lunch

  1. Thinking about lessons. Select three topics from your current stats course that you would like to teach with data. They could be, for example, a technique, theory, or a project.
  2. Learning R: Two tracks
  3. Exploring statistics using StatPREP materials.
    • Tutorials, which are instructor-oriented, R-based introductions to techniques and concepts.
    • Little Apps

3:15 pm Adjourn


8:30 am, breakfast

9:00 am, start program

  1. Statistical concepts: Two tracks:
  2. Communicating with your students: Three tracks
  3. Determining lesson-development groups. Homework answers

12:30 pm Lunch

  1. Lesson development: Small group activity with two tracks
    • Developing lessons based on Little Apps
    • Developing lessons using R commands.
  2. Brief presentations of lessons developed
  3. Going forward … support and staying in touch

3:15 pm, adjourn